The CE marking. We are here for you. Everything you need to know.
Choosing products that are certified, safe, and can be trusted is not always an easy and quick process.

This is true when we have to make a purchase, as well as when we have to think about which security equipment to install, such as doors, and we have different options.
That is why we at Dierre want to give the guarantee that we always offer the best.
What is the CE marking?
It is a mandatory European Conformity Mark that assures the consumer that the product complies with European Community regulations governing the product’s life cycle, from design, to manufacture, all the way through to positioning it on the market.
When is CE marking mandatory?
They are for any construction product that falls within the scope of a globally recognized standard or for which a European Technical Assessment has been issued, thus for fire doors, external pedestrian windows and doors, industrial commercial and garage doors, and gates.
Interior doors, on the other hand, are not within the scope of a recognized standard and therefore cannot be CE marked.
How is the CE mark obtained?
First, the manufacturer must meet the requirements of the relevant harmonized standard for the product to be marked, and this verification is done by a third-party body organization. If it is positive, it issues a certificate of constancy of performance, the manufacturer must then draw up a Declaration of Performance (DoP) in accordance with the EU Regulation, setting out the conditions for placing construction products on the market, after which the CE marking can be displayed.
So, if you do not have the certificate of constancy of performance or if the DoP is not drawn up, the CE marking cannot be displayed. Once the product is CE marked, the manufacturer declares that they take responsibility for the product’s conformity with the Declaration of Performance.
Let’s take a detailed look at the process of obtaining CE marking:
– A typical product is chosen, identifying each family, and several tests are performed (e.g., fire resistance test)
-The company system is analyzed, keeping in mind the standards to which it is necessary to adapt and in order to be able to guarantee repeated production
– A third party verifies that the system and documentation are compliant and that the certificate of constancy of performance
can be issued.
– At this point, it is possible to mark the specific product that has been tested with the CE mark
– New tests are performed in order to be able to develop product variants and obtain extensions related to the so-called EXAPS standards
– On the CE-marked product, Dierre applies a sticker, so that the consumer can quickly recognize it and be informed.
In conclusion, it should be noted that there are two important documents related to CE marking: the Certificate of Constancy of Performance and the Declaration of Performance DoP.
The Certificate of Constancy of Performance is issued by an independent notified body and demonstrates the manufacturer’s ability to meet the provisions of EU Regulation 305/201, following successful completion of the following activities:
– Initial inspections of the production plant.
– Continuous surveillance and verification of factory production control.
– Inspection of samples taken before the product is placed on the market.
– The Declaration of Performance (DoP), which describes the performance of the product in relation to the essential characteristics defined by the harmonized technical specifications.
When choosing a Dierre product, remember that it is essential for the designer to be clear about its placement so that he or she can indicate whether the door is for exterior or interior use. In fact, the designer must be clear about the intended use of the product. If you need clarification or feel that your product falls under an “ambiguous” case, you can contact your Dierre reference.
CE markings became mandatory in November 2019. Ultimately, it allows you, the consumer who has to choose a product, to take advantage of an extra guarantee, and for us to take more responsibility and value not only the product but the whole supply chain.
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